
Wholeness Prayer – Luganda version      Word      PDF

“The five basic steps for a wholeness prayer, shall take ministry a long way.… I thank the Spirit of God that is upon your Ministry. As I said  our Ministries have not remained the same. Messages to the flocks has attained flesh ingredients. Deliverance services now have a backup. Hebrews 4:12, ‘the word of God is living and powerful ,and sharper than  any two-edged sword, piercing  even  to the division of soul  and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is  a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart’. So when the word of prayer is used with the wholeness approach, deliverance will be an assurance to believers. What has been lacking to most ministers is how to usher-in deliverance. To be frank I have been having same desires. Glory to God for the previous conference….Blessings!” Pr. John Akishule- Holy Redeemed Apostolic Ministries. Entebbe- Uganda.